That each of us can do to reduce our impact on the planet

Our biggest planetary challenges today are climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. To understand the context we live in today on this fragile plant, please read our report HERE

At Cityplot, we feel an urgent calling for humans to start living more harmoniously with all of the other life on our beautiful planet Earth. So we have put together a list of 10 simple things that each of us can start doing today in order to reduce our burgeoning environmental impact.

Each point is accompanied by insights about the different ways our environment is being damaged, and we offer meaningful actions –both big and small – to help counter these effects.


If we have missed something, please let us know! And if you find our suggestions helpful, please share this message far and wide to help spread the word.


Copyright Cityplot: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Written by Fatema Baheranwala, Nature Centric and Cityplot

Edited by Ann Doherty and Rosa van Giessen

Art direction by Julia Soler

Illustrations by Ilyanna Kerr

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